Elettronica al Salone IMDEX di Singapore

Italy’s Elettronica Group, a European leader in electronic and cyber warfare, is delighted to once again be present at Imdex Asia. Elettronica works successfully with the Armed Forces and Governments of 28 countries, helping to build stability and keep the peace around the world. Since 2015 Elettronica has had a dedicated office in Singapore in order to react even more effectively to the needs of East Asian clients.

The Group has a long tradition in the naval sector, with numerous systems in service with navies around the globe. Its products are especially distinguished by their high sensitivity and accuracy, as well as by their dedicated functions for automatic surveillance and data processing for ELINT intelligence analysis. These features have been further improved in our latest generation of products. Elettronica is engaged in the most important European Naval Cooperation programs, including the Horizon class and FREMM frigates, in which it is present together with Thales Systemes Aeroportes within the SIGEN Consortium as the supplier of EWS systems.


The active subsystem supplied by Elettronica is the Nettuno-4100, an advanced state-of-the-art radar ECM installation scalable according to on-board space limitations. To meet the growing complexity of naval warfare demands, Elettronica, through its CY4Gate venture with Expert System – a leader in semantic computing – provides Intelligence, Law Enforcement and Electronic Warfare command levels with a range of solutions providing superior, fast and comprehensive structured analysis of non-uniform data streams from Elint to Tactical/Strategic Comint and Open Source (Osint), virtual Humint, Meta Data Analysis, Data Mining and Fusion, all integrated within both defensive and offensive cyber applications.

To illustrate Elettronica Group’s activities and capabilities, the Company’s stand will display a range of mock-ups that show the advantages of implementing the most advanced technologies developed by Elettronica and CY4Gate and applied in their products.

VIRGILIUS, a breakthrough in ESM/ECM systems that exploits the latest digital signal processing techniques together with market available components to perform emitter detection, classification and identification to counter a broad range of threat types: including radar-controlled Anti-AircraftArtillery (AAA), Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) as well as Early Warning, Search and modern Multifunctional Radar. A modular design approach makes it possible to tailor the solution to specific End User needs.

The ELT/160 family of low cost Radar Warning Receivers provides self-protection for utility and combat aircraft and helos during operations in insecure areas, anti-tank missions and ground vehicle escort. This family of Radar Warning Receivers – in all versions, from “light” to “combat” – detects, analyses and identifies intercepted electromagnetic emissions that can pose a threat to the platform, both with extreme speed and outside of the attack envelope of the weapons system. Like all of Elettronica’s passive defense systems, the ELT/160 RWR extractor performs perfectly in absence of pre-flight information. The system’s EW manager can coordinate LW, MW and C/F dispensers for a complete integrated suite.

ELT/572 DIRCM (Directional Infrared Countermeasures). Shoulder-launched MANPAD (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) missiles are one of the major threats to airborne platforms, especially in asymmetric conflict environments and in terrorist actions. The fibre laser technology of the ELT/572 improves the performance, effectiveness, reliability and efficiency in countering this evolving threat, as well as overcoming the weak points of older DIRCM suites by reducing installation constraints and the even more critical and complex set-up, alignment and maintenance operations. The system uses a small, fast-slewing, highly dynamic turret driven by sophisticated algorithms to accurately concentrate laser fire on the sensors of incoming missile threats, ensuring effective protection of the platform even in the event of multiple simultaneous threats.

JASS (Jamming Antenna and Source Subsystems) antenna offer a scalable architecture applicable to ECM installations according to customer needs. These can be supplied according to on-board space limitations in two possible configurations, Split and Monomast. The “Split” configuration is composed of two separately installable Jamming Antenna & Source Subsystems (JASS) while the “Monomast” solution, as the name suggests, is applicable to single mast installations.

The CY4Gate D-SINT is able to analyze structured and unstructured data through an integration of hardware and software tools that can handle different data formats coming from any kind of sources, it is also possible to receive and manage information coming from private repository.

The D-SINT helps operatives better manage the Intelligence Cycle (planning and direction, collection, analysis, production and dissemination), and decision makers take better decisions.

The availability of an integrated platform for Cyber Intelligence and Situational Awareness, capable of supporting the analysis of Heterogeneous Data, at the same time, has become crucial to meet all needs related to the analysis and management of information. From the operational point of view, the platform is required to provide at least the following functionalities: creation and management of investigation tasks; real time ingestion of high-volume data, from different sources (structured, unstructured and multi-structured), semantic analysis of text acquired from the above different sources, extraction of hidden relations among entities, correlation among data and entities across different domains (e.g. time, space, …), highlighting of weak signal from chaotic data, fusion and dissemination of intelligence results in an interactive graphical interface

The Elettronica Group, based in Rome, has been at the cutting edge of electronic warfare for more than six decades. It’s products are in use by the Armed Forces and Governments of 28 countries around the world. Privately controlled, both France’s Thales and Italy’s Finmeccanica/Leonardo have important minority stakes in the Group.

Fonte:  comunicato Elettronica Group


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