Leonardo mostra i velivoli teleguidati ad ala rotante al Salone UMEX di Abu Shabi

Leonardo is attending Abu Dhabi’s Unmanned Systems Exhibition & Conference (UMEX), taking place from February 25 to 27 in the Emirati capital. Unmanned technologies represents a key growth area for Leonardo, which has achieved a leadership position in remotely piloted systems through significant investment in platforms, sensors and managed services.

Leonardo is the only European entity that can provide complete unmanned solutions for ISTAR missions (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance), integrating platforms, sensors, communications, and mission and ground control systems. At stand 03-B20, Leonardo will present its remotely piloted helicopter AWHERO, a state of the art RUAS (Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial System), which brings together Leonardo’s experience in helicopters and system integration.

Developed for land and naval operations, AWHERO is the perfect solution in terms of cost effectiveness for tasks such as maritime and border surveillance, national security, critical infrastructure protection, pipeline and powerline monitoring, supporting rescue efforts and disaster relief and damage assessment during natural disasters.

At UMEX, the AWHERO is presented with an on board Gabbiano TS Ultra Light surveillance radar, in the same configuration that will be used – in 2019 – in the maritime surveillance capability demonstrations on ships, in the framework of the OCEAN 2020 initiatives, where Leonardo will lead a team of 42 European aerospace companies. Gabbiano TS UL is a state-ofthe-art, compact, X-band radar for all-weather sea, ground and air surveillance and provides long and short range surveillance capabilities for both civilian and military forces, while weighing less than 24 Kg.Leonardo also offers surveillance and imagery services via the operation of its own fleet of Falco RPAS.

AWHERO (002)

The company has delivered this on behalf of customers for a number of years, including for the United Nations for its MONUSCO peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The latest addition to the Falco family, called the Falco Evo, is already proving to be a success, having been selected by two customers in the Gulf region and delivered to the first customer. Falco Evo can carry a range of highly-capable Leonardo sensors including the company’s Osprey and Gabbiano UL radars. At the stand, visitors will also be able to see the latest version of Leonardo’s Mirach target drone family, the Mirach-40, designed to simulate enemy threats and allow crews to train with weapon systems such as surface-to-air radar-guided missile systems.

By looking, on sensors, the same as a threat aircraft or guided missile, the Mirach-40 drones allow weapon and radar operators to realistically train for the day when successfully engaging that threat will save lives. Delegations visiting UMEX will also be able to find out more about Leonardo’s advanced electronics systems including the latest Osprey AESA surveillance radar, the Skyward IRST and EW products such as BriteCloud, Miysis DIRCM, SEER, and SAGE.

Leonardo is one of the few companies in the world to possess a wide range of technologies in the UAS
(Unmanned Aerial System) sector: from aircraft manufactured independently, such as Falco, the Sky-Y, the SW-4 Solo RUAS/OPH (Optionally Piloted) and AWHERO helicopters, as well as small drones for
surveillance and gathering information, to European collaborations in the MALE RPAS and nEUROn
programmes. Leonardo’s RUAS platforms have extensively demonstrated their capabilities under Italian and UK MoD contracts and during international exercises.

Fonte: comunicato Leonardo


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