Elettronica Group al Dubai Airshow

Elettronica Group will once again have a leading presence in Dubai, displaying its technologies at the fastest growing airshow in the world, to the UAE and international delegates. The company will attend the event with its three industrial branches: Elettronica S.p.A (EW), Elettronica GmbH (Homeland Security & EW) and CY4GATE (Cyber Warfare).

With a steady presence since the 80’s, and consolidated by the establishment of its own representative office, Elettronica regards the Gulf as a key region for its commercial growth. Today, UAE Air Force’s Mirage aircrafts, successfully rely on Elettronica top-notch jammer. Most of the UAE Navy vessels are equipped with our surveillance technologies while the EW Command has endowed itself with land-based ELINT systems.

Elettronica Group’s participation will serve the purposes of reaffirming its focus on the Region and showcasing its flagship products and systems to better cope with new global challenges that severely test our security – drones, for instance. Consequently, the ability to detect, identify and neutralize mini and micro UAVs, close to sensitive areas and critical infrastructures, has become a strategic priority.  The Company’s standing in this market is successfully proven by ADRIAN (Anti-Drone Interception Acquisition and Neutralization). Traditional sensors and countermeasures, in fact, may be not effective or not operable in urban warfare.

Elettronica is also in the field of EMSO Management, with dedicated «mission oriented equipment» tasked to control, manage and protect own use of the EMS and to know, to control and, finally, to deny the use of the EMS by the opponent. Those equipments are part of a well-established roadmap giving the EA and Mutual Protection capability to several different platforms in several diverse arrangements ranging from Stand-off-jamming, Self-Protection, Escort/Support Jamming and Stand-In-Jamming.

The networked configuration, for swarm applications, allows the use of unmanned platforms as well as the extensive use of Artificial Intelligence, granting autonomous and cooperative operations. Modular and scalable AESA architecture sizes transmitted power and receiver sensitivity perfectly integrated with 4th and 5th generation fighters.

Elettronica developed a strong engineering capacity in both ELECTRONIC WARFARE and CYBER fields, managing the overall “electromagnetic spectrum”. The creation of CY4GATE entity, dedicated to cyber and network intelligence, is a key asset in this perspective, mixing the dual expertise of “defense on board systems” and “digital protection” to guarantee a full cyber resilience.

This dual expertise is fully part of the “digital Transformation” strategy of the company. In light of the above, ELETTRONICA can propose the platform integrators the following participations in this field, according to the descriptions and concepts developed in the above paragraphs: Support by cyber and electronic warfare experts included in the prime contractor system team, to conduct functional analysis of vulnerability and architecture studies. CY4GATE can also act as the third party performing dedicated penetration tests to assess the level of vulnerability for the homologation of the products and the processes.

Fonte: comunicato del Gruppo Elettronica



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